Why Use Waterproofing Membranes
- Reliable waterproofing is essential to ensure the longevity of any building.
- Water ingress can cause extensive damage not only to building spaces but can also progress to severe structural defects.
- Waterproofing is a cost-effective investment compared to the cost of repairing water damage.
Water damage via leaks can cause extensive structural & cosmetic damage that is often very costly to rectify.
What Are Liquid Applied Waterproofing Membranes
- Liquid Applied Membranes (LAMs) are a cold-process fluid spray applied waterproof coatings.
- Liquid membranes combine the properties of adhesive sheet membranes while adding significant technological advancements by creating instant-setting coating.
- The liquid waterproofing products combine the elastic properties of new generation polymers combined with the waterproof characteristics of a highly emulsified asphalt.
- This technology results in a seamless rubber membrane that is instant set application.
- Allows Liquid Waterproofing Systems to be applied horizontally and/or vertically and up to 200mm thick in one application.
Liquid Waterproofing is an instant-set spray applied membrane, can be used on a horizontal & vertical surfaces, external & internal, below or above ground projects.
Why Use Liquid Spray-On Coatings
1.Elastomeric & Extreme Flexibility
- Structures Move. Surfaces Expand.
- Liquid membranes “move and rake” with the building.
- Liquid Rubber has the capacity to stretch and recover, which allows for movement of the underlying surface.
- Waterproofing membranes must be able to contract and expand with the normal thermal cycle of the building envelope.
- Failure to have sufficient flexibility results in cracks appearing within the membrane over time.
2. Application Conforms to Any Surface Shape
- Can be applied to areas which sheet membranes can't.
- Liquid waterproofing can be terminated and bonded to any shape surface.
- Liquid membranes can be sprayed around roof & balcony penetrations, upstands, up parapet walls etc.
- This provides one continuous membranes, without overlaps, joins or seams.
- Sheet membranes don't always allow that to happen.
3.Monolithic & Seamless
- Monolithic liquid coatings can be spray applied in one piece.
- Unlike conventional sheet membrane waterproofing systems, that are rolled out in sheets.
- Monolithic waterproofing means there is no risk of water entering between the seams.
4.Robust Adherence & Longevity
- Bonding properties is critical for long life waterproof membranes.
- Membranes with joins, seams or overlaps can de-bond over a period. Once this has occurred, these areas are potential water leaks.
- Membrane leaks via cracks & seams come apart can create a “waterbed” effect. The water leak might be a distance away from the original point of entry. May appear a leak originates at point A however the reality is point B, which may be quite a distance away.
- Whereas liquid membranes are fully bonded to the substrate. If a puncture occurs in the membrane, the water leak will be where the puncture occurs.
- This can be easily rectified and repaired instantly.
5.Rapid Spray Installation
- Liquid membranes are cold spray on waterproofing systems.
- Spray application allows for rapid installation.
- If weather conditions allow, this can be up to 1000 sq/m of waterproof installed per day.
- A time saving factor that translates into cost effective waterproofing for all projects – especially for large areas like roof etc.
Extreme Flexibility2
Conforms to Shape3
Robust & Long-Life Span5
Rapid Application
Advantages of Using Liquid Rubber Waterproofing System
- Liquid Membranes are cold applied liquid waterproofing systems that set instantly as a single fully-bonded membrane with no joins or seams.
- Its unique formulation provides 1,100% elasticity and over 95% memory which allows for excessive roof movement.
- With excellent eco-friendly credentials & Work Safe Practices, liquid coatings are a vast improvement on sheet and torch-on waterproofing.
- Requires No Flames, Solvents or Primers and no seams.
- Using Liquid Rubber eliminates the need for stripping off old material providing an ideal over coating for most substrates including felt, asphalt, timber, concrete, corrugated asbestos, metal and insulation boards for both pitched roofs and flat roofs installations.
- Accelerated waterproof coating providing fast cure, high productivity and less work disruption by bad weather.
- All our Liquid Rubber products are manufactured in Australia to the highest possible standards, ensuring constant high quality and availability of all systems.
Liquid Rubber is a seamless, monolithic and highly flexible waterproofing system manufactured in Australia.
Which Waterproofing Membrane is Best
- Body Corporates & building owners are consistently refusing the use of hot applied waterproofing products due to fumes and open flames.
- The current focus is for health and safety of construction workers and building occupants.
- Today, safety is the paramount issue in construction with approved use is only those materials and application methods that pose no health or safety risks to the applicators or building occupants
- The system is seamless across its entire surface.
- Liquid Rubber provides a waterproof sealant around the most complex details and features.
- When used in repairs, restoration or refurbishment, liquid applied waterproofing systems can usually be applied over the existing membrane without the need for removal.
- Liquid waterproofing systems allow for rapid, cost effective seamless protection of structures without the application of heat.
- This saves time and cost.
- Depending on the application system chosen, waterproofing is guaranteed for 10, 15 or 20 years.
Melbourne Building Contractor & Waterproofing Company
Australian Certified Applicators for Liquid Applied Membranes - new generation in waterproofing products.
- Building Services Australia, a specialist waterproofing contractor based in Melbourne Victoria, has introduced an innovative technology to the market that has the potential to change the way that people approach the waterproofing process.
- The company is now using liquid-applied waterproofing technology, which means they can apply seamless and flexible membranes to both new and existing roof surfaces.
- Using their Liquid Waterproofing Membrane technology, the BSA Team can provide long-lasting waterproofing membranes for all types of surfaces and conditions.
- Using only high-quality spray-on Liquid Rubber membranes.
- Ability to be sprayed over existing services makes a cost- effective alternative to roof or balcony removal and replacement.
LIQUID RUBBER waterproofing products set instantly after application, which makes installation a breeze and allows their technicians to waterproof a roof up to 3 times faster than conventional sheet/torch-on systems.
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