Fix Basement Leaks Using Crack Injection
Crack Injection Case Study
- Crack injection was successfully used to fixed numerous water leaks that was causing extensive damage to concrete walls and floor of this underground garage.
- Water ingress and the subsequent concrete deterioration was due to waterproofing membrane failure on the concrete terrace above the underground garage.
- BSA Team applied a high pressure polyurethane crack injection methods to permanently seal & waterproof the concrete.
- Waterproofing concrete using crack injection has proven high reliability over many decades.
- Using flexible polyurethane, which can absorb compressive force, provides a permanent protection for concrete.
- The injected polyurethane filled the cracks through the entire thickness of the wall thereby preventing further water from entering.
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Does Crack Injection Work?
Crack injection permanently repairs leaking concrete walls, floor & roofs.
Also provides further long term protection for concrete structures.
And this is without disruption or high cost of excavation.
- Concrete cracks with water leaks can cause serious structural problems.
- Water leaks may lead to corrosion of steel reinforcements within the concrete -resulting in structural weakness.
- However concrete basement & foundation cracks can be sealed and it is possible to avoid spending a fortune.
How to Stop Basement Leaks
There are two methods to waterproofing concrete basements and foundations:
Crack Injection
- Crack injection involves the pressurized injection of resin into a foundation crack; the resin solidifies and fills the crack; no crack - no problem.
Exterior Excavation
- Exterior excavation is far more labour intensive, costly and destructive process.
- Excavation may also involve application of a elastomeric seamless membrane over the crack.
The cost to seal basement water leaks by crack injection
is low compared to exterior excavation.
- Crack injections can usually be scheduled within several days and usually be completed in half a day or a day.
- Excavating, sealing and waterproofing a basement leak from the exterior is much more involved - besides the remedial waterproofing there is also the logistics : underground utilities must legally be marked prior to excavation, external landscaping etc.
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Waterproofing Concrete With Crack Injection
- Concrete injection has been used to waterproof concrete worldwide for decades now.
- Concrete protection with injections use polyurethane, also referred to as urethane & resins, and is the most common concrete crack repair method used for underground poured concrete structures.
- The two images above are typical commercial applications of concrete injection using polyurethane, also referred to as urethane, resins.
The use of crack injection resins in repairing structural cracks within brickwork, concrete or masonry is well established as an effective and economic structural repair technique.
- Movement or stationary cracks.
- Construction or expansion joints
- Leaking Car parks & Basements.
- Concrete floor repairs.
- New Construction & Remedial Works.
Melbourne Concrete Protection
Complete range of concrete rehabilitation services:
concrete repair
concrete protection
crack injection work
remediation and application of protective waterproof coatings
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Building Services Australia
Reputation For Providing "Can-Do" Approach To Complex & Challenging Remedial Concrete Protection.
For waterproofing applications see our site here