Waterproofing Company in Melbourne


Quality Waterproofing Systems - that work & last!

Did you know that waterproofing represents 1.8% of a building’s construction costs, but accounts for a whopping 83% of building defect complaints?

* Building Services Australia (BSA) 

 Certified Melbourne Waterproofers & Registered Builders *

Melbourne CBD & Metro - Commercial Waterproofers

Building Services Australia (BSA) provide

Melbourne Waterproofers Building Services Australia (BSA)

Melbourne Waterproofers Building Services Australia (BSA)

  • Water leaks are the NUMBER ONE cause of building defects in Australia.
  • Defects from ineffective waterproofing membranes represent a huge cost to the construction industry.
  • Besides the frustration of having to manage building rectifications long after construction has been completed, a large chunk of profits are constantly lost due to waterproofing rectification and remedial services.
  • Waterproofing systems remain the primary protective element against water ingress within the construction industry.
  • Waterproof Membranes are installed to protect against water ingress but also to protect the long term structural integrity of buildings. 

 Damage caused by leaking waterproofing membranes

waterproofers Melbourne
Building Services Australia

In Australia waterproofing membranes fall into three major categories:

1. Liquid Applied Waterproofing Products

  • Liquid applied waterproofing is a cold application where the membrane is in a liquid state and can be applied manually by brush and roller or rapid spray application.
  • These membranes are suitable for all surfaces – concrete, metal, timber, asbestos - and can be applied for above & below ground waterproofing.
  • Liquid Membranes cures to form a seamless and joint free membrane which exhibits strong adherence to all surfaces.The thickness of the membranes can be controlled by spray application.
  • spray apply waterproofing is a rapid process and can cover more than 3 x the area than conventional methods. Up to 1000m can be waterproofed in a single day.

Liquid Applied Membranes

Fast Spray Apply Liquid Waterproofing Membrane - Non Toxic

Liquid Applied Membranes are considered superior to sheet based membranes due to being seamless and so free of joins

Seams, overlaps and joins are often areas of weakness and cause for potential water leaks.

2. Sheet Based Waterproofing Membranes – “single-ply”

 Heat applied sheet membrane

  • As the name implies, these membranes are in the form of rolls which when unfurled are stuck to the substrate with hot tar based adhesives using blow torches.
  • Due to heat application,Torch–on membranes can damage pipes, wiring, timber and infrastructure due to flame/heat applied to adhere the waterproofing membrane to the surface.
  • Many sheet membranes i.e urethanes, vinyl and epoxy based coatings, are high in VOCs (Volatile Organic Chemicals).

3. Integrated Systems

  • Integrated waterproofing systems are where additives are included in the concrete mix at the time of manufacture.
  • These systems work within the matrix of concrete structures, giving a waterproof quality to concrete.
  • Commonly used for larger concrete structures and also used in pre-cast panels or tilt up wall panels.

Use Liquid Applied Waterproofing Membranes

Properties of Liquid Membranes

  • Extreme Elongation
  • Flexibility
  • UV, Salt & Chemical Resistant
  • Robust Adherence to all Surfaces
  • High Resistance to Abrasion
  • Seals around awkward penetrations
  • Provides Total encapsulation

View Video Below about our Waterproofing Services

Membrane Flexibility

Waterproofing membranes can be subject to movement caused by the normal thermal contraction and expansion due to changes in the moisture content of the surface.

This form of movement is considered slow and over time places stresses and strain which may induce deformation or rupture.

Membrane Elongation

This is the ability of the membrane to stretch. It is measured in percentages and an elongation of 150% means that the membrane can stretch to 1.5 times its length when pulled.

Elongation is vital in building structures – as all buildings move.

This inique property will allow the membrane to stretch over cracks that may develop in the future. A membrane

Tear Resistance

This is an important property as many membranes that have good elongation also can tear easily.

The ideal membrane will not tear even after a reasonable force is exerted on it.

Balcony Waterproofing

Seamless liquid applied elastomeric polymer membranes have become the ultimate solution for balcony waterproofing.

These membranes are capable of resisting UV rays, withstand “ponding” water and also coping with the structural movement and deformation that occurs with normal thermal cycles.

Below Ground Tanking

As below ground tanking will mostly be underground when construction is complete, doing it right the first time is critical as coming back to fix it as an expensive rectifications.

The source of most of below ground problems is water – wet soil beneath foundations will swell and will continue on to lose strength.

Basement & Foundations

Liquid coatings have the advantage of quick application with excellent elongation and robust adherence.

BSA has a systemised procedure for treating voids, form-tie holes and joints.Read more here (button)

Under Slab Waterproofing

Preprufe is a unique multi-layer sheet of tough high density polyethylene.

When concrete is poured onto or against a Prepufe membrane, the concrete bonds by a chemical and cold fusion reaction to give a permanent adhesive union.Read more here (button)

Concrete Waterproofing

Concrete is one of our most durable manmade building materials as it is both strong and inexpensive.

However....untreated concrete has one basic fundamental flaw - it acts like a giant sponge.

Concrete loves moisture - different mixes have different porosity, but under the right (or wrong!) conditions, concrete acts like a giant hard sponge. As it hardens, normal concrete becomes even more porous.

Concrete is not waterproof and does need a waterproof membrane.

Waterproof Tunnels & Roads

Roof Waterproofing 

Roof leaks can cause thousands of dollars of damage to building and services.

Liquid Applied Membrane will inhibit rust for metal roofs and slow down the deterioration of the roof surface.

Being salt, UV and pollution resistant, Liquid Rubber can be used on roofs from coastal locations to CBD of large cities.

Liquid Membranes will conform to shape of the roof surface so appropriate for complex roof structures with many upturns and penetrations.

waterproofing flat timber roof

Registered Building Practitioners

Specialising in waterproofing applications.

  • Highly experienced & specialized waterproofing Team with a proven track record.
  • We have systematized procedures to create a complete waterproofing system for a range of projects.
  • Building Services Australia (BSA) is familiar with proprietary waterproofing systems and experienced in a variety of construction, industrial and infrastructure environments.
  • Using approved applicators gives access to product warranties and our installation guarantees.

Building Services Australia

Reputation Is For Providing “Can-Do” Approach To Complex & Challenging Remedial Projects.

Waterproofing Projects